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The Place

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Colorado Outdoor Education Center is located at an elevation of 8700 feet in the center of Colorado, 35 miles west of Colorado Springs. We work and play on more than 6250 acres of open pine forest, wildflower meadows, Aspen groves and rocky bluffs.

Employees can be seen hiking, running and walking on the miles of trails on property; interacting with campers, students and guests in all types of Colorado weather (but mostly our 300+ days of sunshine a year!); and experiencing large and small moments of wonder: watching a porcupine cross the road on the way to work, catching a double rainbow over Pikes Peak after a late afternoon rainstorm; or even cresting a hill to see 300 elk munching on spring grass in the valley below.

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Depending on your role and your interests, the opportunities to explore the property may be part of your work day or may be a perk available to you. We know from plenty of current research that working in, being in, or even commuting through nature has significant mental and physical health benefits.

At COEC, we are all stewards of this land. We believe that our combination of outstanding people and an awe-inspiring physical setting is the primary factor behind our unique impact on our campers, students and guests.