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Sanborn Western Camps

Since 1948, Sanborn Western Camps has been offering outdoor experiences of exceptional quality and depth. The fun, relaxed atmosphere and caring staff provide a supportive environment for individual growth in self-confidence, independence, awareness of others, and appreciation for the natural world. Each child’s contributions are valued in a community based on mutual respect, genuine friendship, and shared adventures.

Programming at the camps includes hiking, camping out, mountain climbing, backpacking, western horseback riding, technical rock climbing, swimming, sports, canoeing, archery, mountain biking, arts and crafts, and astronomy, with a strong overall emphasis on spending time in the out-of-doors.

Big Spring Ranch for Boys provides month-long programs for boys 9-16; High Trails Ranch for Girls offers month-long programs for girls 9-16; Sanborn Junior is a two-week beginner program for children 7-10.

To live together in the outdoors, building a sense of self, a sense of community, a sense of the earth and a sense of wonder through fun and adventure.

Sanborn Western CampsMission Statement
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High Trails Outdoor Education Center

The High Trails Outdoor Education Program is a residential outdoor education experience offered to schools and school districts. Since its inception in 1967, the High Trails Outdoor Education Center has provided residential outdoor education experiences for over 100,000 students, high school counselors and teachers.

The program at High Trails is unique in many ways. Participating in an imaginative, role-playing curriculum, students study the natural environment to gain a greater Sense of the Earth. Students live together sharing dining hall duties, cabin cleanup, and group projects to achieve a Sense of Community. Responsibility, leadership, new skills, self-reliance, wholesome fun, new friends, and love of simple enjoyment are the outcomes of an increased Sense of Self. All contribute to this valuable learning experience and help students achieve a greater Sense of Wonder about the highly interconnected and interdependent world in which they live.

Three, four, and five-day residential programs are offered.

High Trails Outdoor Education Center provides educational experiences in the outdoors in which children and adults will gain greater skills, knowledge, and understanding of the interrelationships of all living things, of working together as a team, and of growing positively as a person.

High Trails Outdoor Education CenterMission Statement
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The Nature Place

Based on the concept that adults, like children, benefit from time spent in the natural world, The Nature Place was conceived in 1978 as a conference and retreat center where adults could experience the joys of continuing education and reignite their connections with nature.

Known primarily for its world-class, experiential programs in leadership and team development, the Nature Place has worked for many years with the Daniels College of Business at the University of Denver, as well as with many other corporate and educational groups.

The Nature Place combines outstanding facilities, a commitment to quality dining, and the work of exceptional staff members to create a unique environment for trainings, gatherings, and meetings of all kinds.

To provide uncompromising customer service, quality accommodations and food, and educational programs for guests and staff that increase our understanding of who we are, how we fit into the "Big Picture" and how we can improve our relationships with others and the world around us.

​The Nature PlaceMission Statement