The High Trails program complemented our Science and Social Studies standards. The Woodsmen and Energizers Discovery Groups integrated multiple Science standards in a fun way. The Utes Discovery Group managed to weave both Science and Social Studies together. The program also met our community goal which is to create well-rounded citizens and teach to the whole child. The staff did a phenomenal job of modeling positivity, problem solving, perseverance, and curiosity. Having students help at meal time, clean cabins, and take their shoes off are all little details that promote respect, empathy, and kindness.

I expect to see more confidence in my students as a class and as individuals. The hikes were strenuous for a few students but they finished them and powered through! I’m expecting to watch this confidence grow, now that students know they are capable of great things.

Along with confidence, I hope they develop more independence and a fearless sense of curiosity. Watching students buzz around the Interbarn with excitement, engagement, and lots of questions was amazing to watch.I want students to ask questions whenever possible and not be afraid of being curious or wrong. As an educator, this was a great reminder to me to make the classroom as engaging as possible and to promote a sense of wonder.