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Colorado Outdoor Education Center

Looking for a Job?

The Colorado Outdoor Education Center is a non-profit educational institution located in the Rocky Mountains 35 miles west of Colorado Springs, CO. Our mission is to develop the potential of individuals by providing extraordinary educational experiences in the natural world.

COEC is located on 6,000 acres of private land and offers three major programs:

Hiring Year Round

Since 1978, The Nature Place has offered leadership and team development programs for universities, school faculties, and business and professional organizations. It also offers natural history programs and reunions of all types.

Hiring for May 28th to August 12th, 2025

Big Spring Ranch for Boys and High Trails Ranch for Girls. Since 1948, the camps have provided outstanding, nature-based summer camp programs for children. Young people from more than forty states and a dozen countries gather annually for one of two month long terms. They grow socially and emotionally by living within a nurturing community and experiencing fun and adventure in the out-of-doors.

Hiring for Spring & Fall

Since 1967, COEC has been providing resident outdoor education programs for students from many schools in Colorado. The HTOEC curriculum is based on innovative experiential activities which teach natural science, local history, and creative arts.

Support COEC

Add a note below to designate your gift for the The Scholarship Fund, Greatest Need Fund, or Program Excellence Fund, or choose another way to give.

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Spring into Summer with Sanborn

Calling All Denver Alums! Join us for an evening of games, snacks and camp stories at our “Spring Into Summer” Denver Reconnect at Bierstadt Lagerhaus. Visit our blog for more information and stop by on April 17th from 5:00-8:30pm.

Sanborn Alum Work Days 2025

Save the date(s) for the 2025 SWC Alum Work Day! This year, the Alum Work Days are scheduled for April 26th and May 3rd, based on weather. Bring your work gloves, painting clothes and teens who need service hours for this all day event. Lunch & dinner provided. More info coming soon!